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Sore Muscles

Oct 06, 2020


Sore Muscles 


Starting a new exercise routine can be challenging.  If you’re new to working out or are returning to exercise after an injury, you may be wondering whether it’s ok to exercise with sore muscles.  Often when starting to exercise, difficult workouts can cause micro-tears in the muscle.  It’s the tears that cause the feeling of soreness.  Don’t worry though, these micro-tears cause the muscle to grow and become stronger.  Luckily, delayed onset muscle soreness doesn’t stop you from exercising for long.  You can still work out if you’re sore. 


The key to exercising with sore muscles is not to exercise the same muscle groups that are hurting and painful. If they are sore, it is okay to move those areas and actually beneficial.


Grow Young Fitness mixes it up for you so you are never overdoing it in certain areas.


By doing this, you’ll still be able to get exercise and allow different parts of your body to recover and rebuild. All Grow Young Fitness workouts can be done everyday safely, even within the same category.


How to reduce sore muscles—


Don’t start out too fast!

Remember, strength and fitness is a gradual process.  You don’t want to cause extreme discomfort after your first session.  Rushing things because you are in a hurry to get to your goals faster will not help you to have success.


Make sure to stretch and cool down!

I know it’s so easy to skip the cool down at the end of your workout but it’s something you should always do to improve your recovery time.  Also, going for a light walk after a tough workout to break up the lactic acid can be helpful as well.  It also allows you to reflect on and record your progress.


Keep it moving on rest days too! 

Keep your body moving on your rest days and participating in light activity can help for active recovery also. 


Make sure to stay hydrated! 

This is very important!  Staying hydrated is another great way to reduce muscle soreness.  Make sure you carry a water bottle with you and take regular sips throughout the day.


Like always, it is best to listen to your body and distinguish between muscle ache, general fatigue, and an actual injury.  If there is bruising around the site of pain or you’re worried there may be some damage, stop any activity that aggravates the area and seek medical advice.  As an alternative, you could also consider training another part of your body.


Keep it moving with