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Our Story: From Challenge to Change

The Grow Young Fitness Journey

Hi there, I’m Deron, and I want to share with you the story of Grow Young Fitness, a journey that began on a humble farm in Minnesota and has since transformed into a mission that reaches hearts and homes across the globe.

My story starts where my roots are deeply planted, in the heart of Minnesota, where I grew up on a farm playing every sport you could imagine, with a special love for football.

But life has its way of throwing curveballs, and mine came in the form of injuries that stopped me in my tracks. Doctors told me I had the knees and back of a 65-year-old and that I'd be lucky to walk without a limp. That moment could have been the end of my story, but I refused to let it be.

Driven by a stubborn resolve, I turned my focus toward Exercise Science, determined to rewrite my physical narrative. It wasn't easy, but through dedication and hard work, I managed to overcome my injuries. That personal victory was sweet, but it sparked something in me—a desire to help others do the same.

After graduating college with a bachelor's degree in exercise science, my journey took me to Mercy Hospital, where I took on the role of Wellness Director. Here, I witnessed the incredible impact of focused fitness programs, growing our Senior Class from 5 to a packed room of 50. It was a clear sign that I was on the right path, but I knew there was more I could do.

The desire to reach and help more people led me down a new path—digital content creation. With my college roommate Jeff moving in, we set up a makeshift studio in our double-wide trailer. Armed with nothing but inexpensive lights, an iPhone, and a Can-Do attitude, we began filming. Those first videos were far from perfect, but they were the start of something incredible.

As Grow Young Fitness began to take shape, it demanded more of us than ever before. Leaving my job, we moved to Colorado, dedicating ourselves to refining our craft and expanding our reach. That year was a turning point, where our efforts started to resonate with hundreds, then thousands of people.

cabin in minnesota and apartment in colorado grow young fitness members

After a year in Colorado working every waking hour, our lease was coming up and we decided to embark on a new adventure. Since we both lived in cold climates our entire lives, we decided to move to Hawaii, a place that had always been a dream of ours. The island not only offered us a new home but a new chapter for Grow Young Fitness.

Another passion of mine is supplements. Fueling the body with the right nutrients is essential. Over the years I have tried and researched just about every supplement. The issue with supplements is that there is so much information out there, that it’s almost impossible to know what to take or whom to trust.

We had so many members asking which supplements to take on the market and there weren’t many good options specifically for seniors. Most of the supplements are geared towards young people.

This is when we decided to embark on a journey to provide the best quality supplements designed for seniors!

Hawaii is not ideal for shipping, so Jeff headed back to Minnesota to start our shipping department, allowing me to focus on creating content that could change lives.

Between 2020 and 2024 we continued to improve our products and services. All our supplements are 3rd party tested and produced in an FDA registered facility. We hired friends and family to help us bring our vision to the next level. Our team grew from 2 to 13 dedicated team members, all committed to our mission of helping seniors live healthier, more active lives. We continue to strive for excellence every day!

Along the way, I got married and started a family, welcoming two beautiful daughters into the world! These girls along with the Members of Grow Young Fitness mean the world to me.

Today, as I look back on our journey, I’m filled with gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead. Grow Young Fitness isn't just a business; it’s a family, and it’s a movement.

Join Us On This Journey

I invite you to become part of the Grow Young Fitness family, to share in our journey, and help spread the message that it’s never too late to make a change.

Together, we can inspire a community that embraces health, vitality, and the joy of living well, at any age.

Welcome to Grow Young Fitness. Let’s make history together.

~ Deron Buboltz

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